Dr. Frank Lipman

Case Study

The challenge
Dr. Frank Lipman sought to transition his practice into a concierge longevity model to offer personalized, data-driven care focused on extending patient healthspan.

The traditional fee-for-service model limited longitudinal follow-up and data-driven outcomes, making it difficult to track and demonstrate patient progress. Additionally, outdated EMR systems were incompatible with wearables and biomarker data, hindering comprehensive health data collection and personalized treatment planning.
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Solution Implemented
Dr. Lipman introduced membership plans to provide continuous, personalized care and create a stable revenue stream. Hearty’s platform seamlessly integrated wearables, lab tests, and imaging data, enabling comprehensive health monitoring. Hearty’s advanced analytics tools allowed for real-time data analysis, enhancing personalized care plans, and Hearty’s Patient App facilitated continuous communication and engagement, improving patient adherence to treatment plans.
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The membership model and personalized care improved patient satisfaction and loyalty. Access to comprehensive health data led to measurable health improvements, and Hearty’s platform streamlined data management and administrative tasks, allowing Dr. Lipman to focus more on patient care.
In Cost Savings
Monthly Conversion Rate
Reduction in project
Customer Monthly
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